C++ Projects

Below is a list of games and projects that I have worked on using C++! Each project has a summary, image, concepts used from programming, and details that discuss the project in some more detail! Please enjoy!

Pebble Jump, Multiplayer C++ Game

  • Summary: Game where two players must take turns navigating an grid filled with obstacles and items that can help or sabotage each other. The finish line is located at the top row’s midpoint.
  • Concepts: Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Dynamic Memory, Dynamically Allocated 2D Arrays, Pointers, Symbol Drawing, System Clear, Functions, Loops, If Statements, Switch Statement.
  • Details: Tires are obstacles, and items include weed (random movement for opponent), spike (hidden item that pushes opponent back by 2 spaces), and chain (pushes user forward). Tires are randomly spread out throughout the map depending on the amount of tires chosen at the start. Items are also randomly spread out throughout the map, and can be adjusted at the start.

Choice, Multiplayer C++ Game

MAY 2017 - JUNE 2017
  • Summary: Game where two players take turns attempting to navigate one piece to their own base.
  • Concepts: Classes, Dynamic Memory, Dynamically Allocated 2D Arrays, Pointers, Symbol Drawing, System Clear, Functions, Loops, If Statements, Switch Statement.
  • Details: Both players choose a number, which represents a cardinal direction, and its sum, or remainder, if larger than 5, determines which direction the piece moves on the grid. Players must calculate what direction is best for them and sabotage their opponent while helping themselves.

Battleship, Single Player C++ Game

APRIL 2017 - MAY 2017
  • Summary: Game that mimics classic battleship, where one (or two) players attack their opponent’s board with the hope of striking down a ship. Most complex project I have worked on yet.
  • Concepts: Classes, Dynamic Memory, Linked Lists, Dynamically Allocated 2D Arrays, Pointers, Custom Copy Constructors Symbol Drawing, Functions, Loops, If Statements, Switch Statement.
  • Details: Three different computer AI difficulties were designed, and board size is customizable. Coordinates were made into a class of two integers and were utilized in almost all grid functions.

Postfix/Infix Calculator, C++ Project

APRIL 2017 - MAY 2017
  • Summary: Convert infix equations to postfix equations; evaluate if a postfix equation is valid.
  • Concepts: Stacks, Arrays, Functions, Loops, If Statements, Switch Statement,
  • Details: The converting function places each operand into a stack and pops the top when an operator is met. Both functions evaluate validity through if statements that look for uneven parenthesis, mismatched brackets, extra operators, and illegal operators.

Fiery Triangle, Multiplayer C++ Game

APRIL 2017
  • Summary: Game where two players choose a class and attempt to find each others weaknesses in an intense battle to the death. Move type and class type differences make this a game of wits.
  • Concepts: Classes, Loops, System Clear, Complex If Statements, Math Equations.
  • Details: Somewhat similar to squaring rock paper scissors, the class (Fire, Water, Grass) each player chooses will have an inherent weakness and strength. The moves that each player chooses (Fire, Water, Grass) also have a strength and weakness. The moves affect each other, but also affect total damage dealt to the player, which can be exploited. The strategy is to find out what class the opponent is, what move they will use against you, and what move you should counter with.

Turn Based Battle, Singleplayer C++ Game Demo

  • Summary: Game demo where the player selects a class with unique attributes, and uses various types of attack, magic, and healing to defeat a few types of enemies.
  • Concepts: Structs, Functions, Loops, If Statements, Switch Statement, Math Equations.
  • Details: The player can fight a slime and giant in the demo as one of four selectable classes (Landsknecht, Wizard, Guardian, Assassin), and six attributes (HP, MP, Attack, Magic Attack, Defense, Agility). Players can choose between three elemental magic attacks, a physical attack, healing through magic or items, and viewing their status (all stats) in the main menu. Enemies can be strong and weak to certain elements, and players can level up their character as they play.

Grades and Weighting, C++ Project

  • Summary: Calculate the final grade for a class by entering all assignments and specific weighting.
  • Concepts: Functions, Loops, If Statements, Math Equations.
  • Details: Contains midterm/essay, quiz/homework, and final quantity and weight.

Guess the Number!, Multiplayer C++ Game

  • Summary: Game where the computer would choose a number between 1 and 100 and two players would take turns guessing the number. The computer’s response is based off of the player’s choice.
  • Concepts: Functions, Loops, If Statements, Switch Statement, Random Integer Generation.
  • Details: Players can see each other’s guesses, and can use them to formulate strategies to find the correct number. For example, choosing a cold number a few turns in to purposely get the opposing player to guess warmer numbers, so that one can strike more accurate guesses.

PIG, Multiplayer C++ Game

  • Summary: Game where two players take turns rolling an ingame dice in an attempt to reach 100 points. This is a game of wits that consists of both strategy and luck.
  • Concepts: Functions, Loops, If Statements, Switch Statement, Random Integer Generation.
  • Details: Rolling a 1 results in losing all the points you have not banked, but rolling a 2-6 results in two options: either banking the points you have now, or risking another roll. Players have to think about how many points the other player could get per turn and base their decisions off of that.

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